Ascend is committed to operating our business in a sustainable manner, including the ongoing development of a sustainable supply chain. Read our Sustainable Procurement Policy below.
At Ascend Performance Materials (“Ascend”), we use our relationships within our supply chain to ensure those we work with operate ethically and responsibly. Ascend is committed to maintaining a high standard of business ethics in dealings with employees, contractors, and customers. It also is our goal to make sure suppliers providing Ascend with goods and services do the same, as further described below.
Suppliers must comply with all applicable foreign, federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, including but not limited to those related to anti-trust, anti-corruption, financial practices and the environment.
Suppliers must not engage in any unethical behavior.
Suppliers must engage in fair dealings with any and all parties, both external and internal to Ascend.
Conflicts of interest will not be tolerated.
Suppliers are to manage and operate all facilities in a manner that protects the health, safety and security of all personnel working at the facilities, the public and the environment.
Suppliers must adhere to the same environmental, safety and health standards when working at Ascend’s facilities or any other facility, in addition to complying with any additional policies that these facilities might have.
Suppliers must have documentation of their policies and processes to ensure conformance to requirements, including but not limited to periodic audits, incident investigation to prevent a recurrence and training of all employees and subcontractors so knowledge is current.
Suppliers will comply with all local, state and federal laws pertaining to labor and human rights.
Suppliers should align their practices with the International Labour Organization’s fundamental principles.
Suppliers should also follow the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their Employees and Subcontractors receive and understand all requirements as well as receive training where applicable or required.
Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance to the principles to Ascend at the request of and to the satisfaction of Ascend, including documentation and/or physical inspection.
Page Title: Supplier Principles
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Ascend Performance Materials SPRL
Watson & Crick Hill Park
Rue Granbonpré 11 – Bâtiment H
B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
Phone: +32 10 608 600
Ascend Performance Materials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Unit 3602, Raffles City Office Towers
268 Xi Zang Road (M)
Shanghai 200001, China
Phone: +86 21 6340 3300
©2024 Ascend Performance Materials